Non-Profits Hours: Feel free to contact us anytime via email at Driving Directions: 424 E Sherman Ave, Suite 105, Coeur d'Alene, ID, located on 5th and Sherman downtown CDA in the old City Hall building
Young Family's Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization helping young, hardworking families attain homeownership. We work closely with certified lenders to help bridge the gap for families who are very close to qualifying for a home loan. YFF will provide hardworking families financial education, first time home buyer counseling and financial assistance to help attain homeownership.
Young Family's Foundation of North Idaho
About Us
Pat Hogan, President of Young Family's Foundation and Corina Larabee, Executive Director of Young Family's Foundation along with the knowledgeable and caring Board of Directors are all passionate about helping these hardworking families in our local communities build a strong foundation for OUR collective future. It's your home. An individual can make a difference, but a community can make a miracle.