Dee Dee, born in Thailand, raised and currently residing in Spokane, WA. Dee Dee has been in the hospitality industry for over 30 years and in marketing/sales/tourism for the past 15 years. Most recently worked at the Coeur d' Alene Casino Resort Hotel (CCRH) for the past 20 years. She managed multiple bar and food venues including special events, promotions, Cultural Tourism and Sponsorships for the CCRH. She is passionate about serving the community with amazing guest service. Tourism has become her passion and loves to create amazing memorable experiences in all parts of the world. Dee Dee has served on the board of directors for the National Tour Association, The Greater Spokane Valley Chamber and the Girl Scouts of America for Eastern WA/N. Idaho. Dee is a Cultural Heritage Tourism Professional. Dee Dee has for beautiful girls, 2 grandchildren and enjoys boating, camping, crabbing, relaxing at the ocean and spending time with her family.